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Monday, 04 March 2024 21:31

High Ankle Sprain


A high ankle sprain, also known as a syndesmotic ankle sprain, is a type of ankle injury that affects the joint between the lower leg bones, called the tibia and fibula, and the ankle bones, known as the talus and calcaneus. Unlike a regular ankle sprain, which affects the ligaments on the sides of the ankle joint, a high ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments that connect the tibia and fibula bones are stretched or torn.

This injury is often caused by a sudden twisting or rotational force applied to the ankle, such as when the foot is planted on the ground and the body turns in a different direction. Athletes who participate in sports that involve jumping, cutting, or pivoting movements, such as basketball, soccer, football, or gymnastics, are at a higher risk of sustaining a high ankle sprain.

Symptoms of a high ankle sprain can vary in severity, but commonly include pain and tenderness above the ankle joint, swelling, difficulty walking, and bruising. Some people may also experience a popping or snapping sound at the time of injury. In more severe cases, there may be instability or looseness of the ankle joint, which can affect the ability to bear weight on the affected leg.

Diagnosis of a high ankle sprain typically involves a physical exam by a healthcare professional, where they will assess the ankle joint for tenderness, swelling, and instability. X-rays or other imaging tests may be ordered to rule out the possibility of a fracture or other underlying condition.

Treatment for a high ankle sprain usually involves a combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), as well as immobilization of the ankle joint with a brace or cast to allow for proper healing. In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to help restore strength and range of motion to the ankle joint.

Recovery time for a high ankle sprain can vary depending on the severity of the injury, but can take several weeks to several months. It is important to allow enough time for proper healing to occur before returning to sports or other physical activities to prevent re-injury.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or reconstruct the ligaments that were torn or damaged. This is typically reserved for more severe cases where non-surgical treatment has not been effective.

Preventing a high ankle sprain involves taking steps to reduce the risk of ankle injuries in general, such as wearing proper footwear, warming up before physical activity, and using proper technique when performing sports or other physical activities.

In conclusion, a high ankle sprain is a type of ankle injury that can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. It is caused by a twisting or rotational force that stretches or tears the ligaments connecting the tibia and fibula bones. Treatment typically involves rest, immobilization, and physical therapy, with surgery reserved for more severe cases. Prevention involves taking steps to reduce the risk of ankle injuries in general.

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